How To Cut Slate. Both Modern And Old-fashioned Methods

You may need to know how to cut slate, whether you are embarking on a landscaping project, building a table or installing a floor. Because slate is both hard and fragile, it can be intimidating to work with.

Learning how to cut slate is not as difficult as you might think. The tips and tricks in this guide will help you feel confident about your ability to tackle your next project.

What You’ll Need

There are many options when it comes to cutting slate. I prefer to use power tools to cut slate because the results are cleaner and more easily duplicated. That is what we will be focusing on today. Here’s what you will need:

  • An angle grinder or circular saw equipped with a carbide-tipped blade
  • Workbench
  • Clamps
  • Carpenters pencil
  • Straight edge
  • Safety goggles
  • Hammer*
  • *Cold chisel

These two items are necessary if you plan to cut slate by hand, using no power tools.

Step 1: Sorting The Slate

Slate comes with a variety of sizes, thicknesses and colors. It is a great way to save time and make the project more manageable.

This allows you to match different types of slate pieces so that your results are uniform and polished.

It will also help you identify poor pieces that should not be included in your final project. You might be able to identify pieces that have a thin center and are likely to fall apart soon after the job is done. Or pieces that don’t match the colors of the other parts.

Step II: Measuring And Evaluating The Project

After sorting through the different slate pieces you will need to measure them using a tape.

After you have measured each piece of the slate, it is time to cut. Mark the lines on the slate’s top side with a pencil and straight edge.

If you are going to use a hammer, chisel, or a slate cutter to cut through slate, mark the backside of the slate. Then cut from the bottom to the top. It is important to have a flat slate bottom for cutting with power tools.

Step III: Cut The Slate (with Power Tools)

You are almost ready to start cutting.

Slate produces a lot of dust when you cut it. This can cause irritation to your eyes and lungs. It is a good idea to soak your slate pieces in water for at least a minute before you start cutting.

Even if the slate is soaked before cutting, you’re still likely to encounter some dust. Make sure that you are wearing safety gear. I always have a pair safety goggles, gloves and a respirator on hand.

It’s time to cut.

You will first need to attach the slate to your workbench. This is where I clamp the slate to the workbench, with the side that I will be using as a cutting edge and the side that I keep on top.

Turn on an angle grinder and grasp the guide handle with one hand. Then, hold the grinder at a right angle to the slate. Start your cut at the slate closest to you. Slowly let the saw work its way through slate by applying light forward pressure.

The principle is the same if you are using a circular saw. Make sure that your saw has a carbide-tipped blade. Next, remove the blade cover and turn the saw on. Start your cut on the closest side of slate to you. Then, let the saw work its way through it slowly.

Step IIIA: Cut The Slate (Using A Hammer And Chisel).

You can still cut slate without an angle grinder or circularsaw if you don’t have one.

Place your straight edge along the line that you have marked. Next, use your chisel and score the slate. When you’re done scoring the slate, apply firm pressure. This will make it break easier.

Next, place your chisel inside the groove that you have created. Then, use the hammer to lightly tap across the line. After you have chiseled along your line, you will be able pick up the slate and break it along the line.

Try again with your chisel or hammer to see if the slate doesn’t break. Keep going until the slate breaks at the exact line you have scored.

The Final Word

Although it might seem daunting at first, cutting slate is easy. You can quickly complete your next slate project using an angle grinder or a circular saw by following these tips.